Category: Uncategorized

  • NOS Jeugdjournaal visits during training with adolescents

    NOS Jeugdjournaal visits during training with adolescents

    January 13, 2023 – Last weekend, January 7th & 8th , a group of adolescents was trained and prepared to wear the Inreda AP® for three weeks for a study. Five adolescents were brave enough to start last weekend with a completely new treatment for them. To highlight these people for their brave decision to…

  • First adolescents started wearing the Inreda AP® for clinical trials

    First adolescents started wearing the Inreda AP® for clinical trials

    December 9th , 2022 – Last weekend on December 3rd, the first adolescents started wearing the Inreda AP®. Twenty adolescents with diabetes type 1 between the ages of 12 and 18 will wear the AP® in everyday life for three weeks. This is all as part of a clinical study in collaboration with Rijnstate Hospital…

  • Elkerliek Hospital tells about the experiences with the Inreda AP®

    Elkerliek Hospital tells about the experiences with the Inreda AP®

    Nov. 21, 2022 – Elkerliek Hospital, in partnership with CZ, has a number of patients wearing the Inreda AP®. Recently, Elkerliek Hospital wrote an article about the Inreda AP®. Elkerliek Hospital, in cooperation with health insurance company CZ, has a number of patients wearing the Inreda AP®. They are happy to share their experiences with…

  • Nieuwsbrief editie november 2022

    Nieuwsbrief editie november 2022

    15 november 2021 – Een dag uit het leven van… Beste lezer, Welkom bij de nieuwsbrief van Inreda. Vorig jaar december hebben we in een kersteditie in de vorm van blogs gepubliceerd. Wij hebben gemerkt dat dit concept in de smaak valt en het leek ons leuk om dat dit jaar te herhalen, met natuurlijk…

  • Arctic Marathon met de AP®

    Arctic Marathon met de AP®

    4 juni 2022 – Marloes Olde Agterhuis uit Enschede heeft zaterdag de Arctic marathon op Spitsbergen gelopen met de AP! Bij een gevoelstemperatuur van -7 graden, een harde wind en regenachtig weer heeft zij de 21 km ontspannen en zelfs nog genietend van de fantastische omgeving, uitgelopen. Wat een prestatie! Wij zijn trots dat zij…

  • Insta Live with Robin Koops

    Insta Live with Robin Koops

    4 february 2022 – “What started as a  hobby in his own garage, has resulted in a company with 60 employees and many people with type 1 diabetes who want to use his artificial pancreas.” Loes Heijmans of Diabetes+  has talked to Robin Koops in an Insta Live. In the broadcast of January 31, Robin…

  • Helga Blauw wins prize for PhD research

    Helga Blauw wins prize for PhD research

    January 27, 2022 – During the Annual Dutch Diabetes Research Meeting on January 21, our highly esteemed colleague Helga Blauw received the Dr. F. Gerritzen Prize for her dissertation. This prize is awarded annually to a recently promoted researcher who has conducted clinical research in the field of diabetes mellitus. Helga Blauw, as Head of…

  • Newsletter edition nr.4 – December 2021

    Newsletter edition nr.4 – December 2021

    21 december 2021 – A day in the life of… Dear reader, Welcome to the fourth and last newsletter of 2021. In these dark days just before Christmas, we had thought to present the Newsletter in a different way. In the past year, several groups of people have been able to start with an AP®…

  • Nieuwsbrief editie nr. 3 – september 2021

    Nieuwsbrief editie nr. 3 – september 2021

    27 september 2021 – Inreda: groeiend en bloeiend  Beste lezer, Welkom bij de derde nieuwsbrief van 2021. Net aan het begin van de zomervakantie, kwam er mooi nieuws naar buiten: Zorginstituut Nederland en ZonMw hebben bekendgemaakt dat ze bijna € 10 miljoen beschikbaar stellen voor onderzoek met de AP® van Inreda Diabetic. We vertellen hier meer…

  • Newsletter edition nr.2 – June/July 2021

    Newsletter edition nr.2 – June/July 2021

    1 July 2021 – The Inreda AP, a living legend Dear reader, Welcome to the second newsletter of 2021. We have great news: 2 museums are interested in exhibiting the artificial pancreas. That is of course very nice and a great honour. Read more about this at ‘The Inreda AP in museums’. We would also…